Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The New National Security (sigh)

I generally avoid the media, partially by design and partially due to my schedule, but occasionally, I find myself in a public place where I end up being force-fed media.

This morning, I was force-fed some media.  Shaking of the head ensued.  I would have much rather watched Let's Make A Deal, but changing channels was not allowed.

The story that made me shake my head the most was about this whole North Korean hacking of the Sony corporation and ensuing threats over a movie - a comedy - that painted North Korea in a bad light.  [Note to producers:  Really?  Does nobody love you enough to point out the potential flaws in your plan?]

What got to me was a conversation between a news question-asker and a news question-answerer.  The line of questioning had to do with the US State Department's response to the presumed North Korean attack on Sony.

Sony.  A Japanese entity.  A privately held Japanese entity.

Why is the US Government even being asked about its response?  But no, nobody asked that.  What was going to be the State Department's response?  The answer was non-responsive [duh], but the point is that there was an answer that went beyond:

"We are sorry for Sony's business loss and we hope that the company's management will find a way to recover its losses and seal its internet exposure to avoid future concerns.  We do not consider a private entertainment company being the subject of an electronic attack to be a matter for State Department response."

Since when has a foreign private enterprise become a protectorate of the US Government?  Will the State Department be invoicing Sony to figure out their problem or fight their fight?  For that matter, is the State Department even for hire?  Will Sony be able to criticize the State Department for it actions if they don't rise to Sony's standards?

Maybe its a confession that the Department of State has about the same level of  electronic security as company who contributes to our society by producing and distributing movies, music and computer games?

Do you honestly think Trickle-Down economics is working?  If somebody hacks into my bank account, will the Treasury come running? 


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