Sunday, June 3, 2012

Ditch the predicate…

We’re all wrapped up in definition. Definition is the trees for which we often cannot manage to see the forest.  Even this blog strays into definition, slipping into the linguistic abyss.

For the larger questions in life though, definition isn’t what’s important.  It can’t be important because language makes it so variable that true understanding is nearly impossible to get to; and yet we devote most of our waking lives to it.

The rebirth of reason a few years ago caused us to reject the mystic and the fleeting and the in favour of the documentable and the empirical.  That’s fine for the simpler things and is certainly preferred when say, building a bridge or performing surgery.

But life’s larger questions beg us to ditch the predicate – the back part of the sentence where the defining tends to occur.

Love is.
Life is.
The universe is.
We are.

‘Nuf said.

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