Monday, July 16, 2018

Spanish Civil War

Tomorrow is the 82nd anniversary of what is commonly considered the start of the Spanish Civil War.  I read a fantastic book about the Spanish Civil War this spring.  It is called "Spain in Our Hearts" by Adam Hochschild. Mr. Hochschild is a wonderful story teller, but this is a horrible story.

I even studied in Spain at college and I left there not knowing what I now know.

I really find a lot of flaws in the cliché "history repeats itself", but reading this story of this proxy war which turned out to certainly the beginning of the Second World War left me hearing synonyms, equivalents and echoes of what I hear when I listen to the news today.

Contrary to popular belief, I don't think we're more crazy than we had been in the past.   I do think we're more honest about it.

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